Our Organization
MIT CEO (MIT Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization) is a MIT student organization founded by a group of students and alumni from MIT, Harvard and other schools as well as young entrepreneurs and professionals in Boston area. MIT CEO was founded to help members to build world-class companies, to create a sustained collaboration mechanism between high-tech community and large Chinese corporations, as well as to help efficiently connect esteemed investors with high quality startups in the Greater Boston area.
麻省理工学院华人创业者协会( MIT Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization,MIT CEO)是由MIT和Harvard等校的学生和校友以及波士顿周边的年轻创业者、职场人士成立的非营利组织,致力于帮助麻省理工学院及周边的华人创业者建立世界级的企业,创造中国高科技企业与麻省理工学院及周边高新科技的长期对接机制,构建优质投资机构与波士顿地区华人创业者的高效对接交流的平台。
Our History
MIT CEO has hosted over 50 community events with more than 5,000 participants, covering topics including healthcare and biotech, AI, energy, blockchain, fintech, and investment. We launched the inaugural MIT-Tsinghua Innovation Summit (MTIS) and attracted more than 300 audience across China and the U.S. Over 60 junior entrepreneurs and young professionals have graduated from the Linghang Mentorship Program, with a total amount of new investments of over 30 million USD closed during the program. Over 100 entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be joined our MIT CEO Club, making it one of the most diverse and vibrant entrepreneur communities at MIT.

Our Vision
As a student organization originated from MIT, we constantly reflect on MIT's motto "Mens et Manus (Mind and Hand)". This motto reflects the educational ideals of MIT’s founders who were promoting, above all, education for practical application. Our slogan is"Connect Minds, Connect Hands". Our mission is to connect talented people and cultivate entrepreneurship in the Greater Boston area. We have three key philosophies when it comes to connecting: community, bridge, and closed-loop. First, by launching event series such as Fireside Chat, Entrepreneur Lecture and CEO Face to Face, we connect local communities across different disciplines and sectors, including Healthcare and Biotech, Energy, AI, Blockchain, Trading, Investment, etc. Secondly, as a platform, we bridge the gap between the high-tech community and large corporations across China and the U.S. Thirdly, we focus on implementing the concept of closed-loop in all our events, motivating more experienced event participants, both speakers, and audience, to help their junior peers learn and grow. For example, the Linghang Mentorship Program is a proven mechanism for Mentors with decades of industry and entrepreneurship experience to help Mentees, and our Mentors are rewarded in return by acting as advisors for Mentees’ start-ups.